When You can’t decide, if you believe in free speech!

Many say, “ Why do I care about speech I disagree with being allowed to be disseminated?” This statement fails to comprehend that not all agree with your world view and possibly even your interpretation of reality.

There is truth, but it is not always simple to find. People are limited by their physical bodies to their experiences and the experiences they have been told of. ( even some that may be outright fabrications advanced by someone promoting a particular point of view ) People are not always truth tellers.
If you weren’t there, you learn from those, who you trust. Perhaps you trust a teacher. They are authority figures. How many students review original sources materials even, if it is suggested I didn’t. In fact I can count on one hand those who read outside sources of any kind and I am an advanced college degree holder.

Besides the physical limitations, individuals may act based upon different facts. These maybe actual facts, but outlying information, unusual occurrences of information We would refer to this as outlier data. It is not misinformation. It is actual data, just unusual in its occurrence .
Individual’s minds use information to organize their world. How do we combat use of outlier data? We combat with more information! More data means less opportunity for outlier data. We also must understand that even observations are limited by financial considerations.

Science focuses on observable processes. Value judgments can’t be scientifically measured. They may be preferred or non preferred viewpoints.  Results can be observed, but those results are data interpretations based upon facts. They can be true. They need not be. Even if the data is correct, the conclusions can be errant.

Remember values are not facts! Not everyone may share your values. Values are not misinformation. Unless they hurt someone else, you are permitted to believe differently than others. Remember Christianity was once a minority set of values in ancient Rome!