I’m Liberal! If I don’t like your views, I just call you names and don’t Engage you, then erase you!

Have you ever shared a traditional view of the world, the economy, small government? If you have you have faced the Democratic liberal mob. These folks follow the current left wing “expert “. You are not allowed to voice disagreement with the expert’s views.
You accept or face erasure from validity. If you live in an area, your very livelihood can be threatened by venturing a viewpoint contrary to the current urban mobacracy.

Enter one brave or naive NFL Kicker. He dared speak his opinion, which runs afoul of over 50 years of liberal secular school teachings. His speech was at Benedictine College, a smaller Catholic College. He dared challenge the feminine role hierarchy.
Actually, hear what he said here. https://youtu.be/-JS7RIKSaCc?si=N40s8o7TLS7HjcBD

Since hearing Mr. Butker’s speech, I have witnessed the flocking of the feminist liberal carrion. First they mischaracterize his remarks as “anti woman”a sin. The role he spoke of was that of a traditional female homemaker and mother, wife. His views challenged the liberal role which all women must conform to. Live like men they implore! After all you are essentially no more than bumpy men given a bad lot in life by the vile patriarchy. Failure to conform demonstrates misogyny and limits all women in the modern society. How this occurs, when 47% of the population is male is another mystery. As is why men fail to defend themselves and women’s traditional role, remains a mystery.

After all to be a good modern society member, we must believe in overpopulation and minimize the reproductive role of women in child rearing in this society. Hail Thomas Malthus! Bring on your “brave new world.” How do we expand the use of the “Malthusian belts” and raise awareness of excessive population growth! “Down with all that stand in our path.” Better they not be heard. Tolerance is only a worn talking point or Sunday school principle! This is the “real world”. Spoiler alert! Malthus was wrong! Human ingenuity exceeded his understanding.

For those, who preach overpopulation and climate change, I encourage you to read: “Superforecasting”. This book looks at human future forecasting and emphasizes that continuous revision is essential to accurate predictions. A model therefore requires continuous updating as circumstances change. Liberals have continued to eschew the same narrative since Malthus and global warming!

Expert, Thomas Robert Malthus died in 1834. The starvation he prognosticated never came to fruition! Many say it was staved off by economic growth brought on by land discovery and free enterprise economics! Liberals insist starvation was confined to the third world by colonialism. It is in vogue to berate the traditional woman’s role in reproduction as female limiting because they are multitaskers, who can do so much more! After all every 100 lbs young woman can take down any man. Natural anatomy be damned. Never let science interfere with the liberal narrative!

Mr. Butker did not say all women should stay in the kitchen, “ barefoot and perpetually pregnant. He said 2/3 of women saw their most fulfilling role as that of wife and mother. No modern workforce female would ever admit having such feelings, even in a generation, where feelings are all that matter to many liberal women. This is especially true since the feminist movement continues to denigrate the female traditional role, what they refer to as seeking an “Mrs degree”. They continue with their pejorative slur. You can witness their tantrums visibly displayed on social media platforms.

Our schools continue to side with anti family activists like BLM. BLM has recently dropped its anti nuclear family message from its website. It now started with Treyvon Martin. As a matter of fact, the entire wikipedia page has been rewritten, much as in the book “1984”. Contrary to previous beliefs, BLM apparently didn’t exist prior to Treyvon Martin. Much as in the book “1984”, our Modern culture responds to criticism by sanitizing that is which found offensive.

Harrison Butker spoke truth for many women and men in our society. No society member need step forward. Their actions betray thought! Many in our society are too afraid to say how they really feel. So, “Free Harrison from liberal condemnation”. A person should not have his livelihood threatened because he voiced a currently unpopular sentiment. Don’t let liberal “mobacracy” speak for you or limit or erase your thoughts! Freedom means even liberals must tolerate our non expert, ignorant, non-expert, traditional views.

Still I remain confident. If liberals don’t like your views, they will move heaven and earth to remove you, rather than tolerate your difference. Free Harrison! Stand for free speech. The liberal way is not the only way!

Author: Walter graff

former Ohio Public service executive. Conservative for life. Life long Ohio resident